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B2B Marketing Research

B2B (Business-to-Business) means one company selling a product or service to another company.B2B markets differ from consumer markets.Business-to-business (B2B) marketing research is the practice of exploring B2B buyers’ attitudes, motivations, and behaviors.

Following kinds of B2B market research done by NexGen:
  • B2B Buyer Persona Research
  • B2B Buyer’s Journey Research
  • B2B Competitive Landscape Analysis
  • B2B Market Opportunity Research
  • B2B Brand Research

B2B Buyer Persona Research

Buyer personas are research to access the buyers and their buying decision making processes. Buyer Persona research done by NexGen provides the blueprint to understandthe real people can be targeted by sales and marketing efforts. We can the immediate information like:

  • Current Customers
  • Target Customers
  • Competitors’ Customers
  • Influencers

B2B Buyer’s Journey Research

NexGen’s Buyer’s Journey Research helps companies to understand how buyers search for new vendors and what motivates them to move forward with their selection process.

B2B Competitive Landscape Analysis

Competitive Landscape Analysis helps companies identify their competitors and put them into proper perspective.

B2B Market Opportunity Research

Market Opportunity Research allows companies to better understand their opportunities within the marketplace, including which markets are worth going after and which are non-starters. While competitive landscape analysistakes a deep dive into your competitors, market opportunity research focuses more on the opportunities that have arisen out of the current competitive landscape.

B2B Brand Research

Brand research can inform companies how the broader market perceives their brand – before, during, and after buying from you.